Class TSimpleFormatConversionProvider

  extended byjavax.sound.sampled.spi.FormatConversionProvider
      extended byorg.tritonus.share.sampled.convert.TFormatConversionProvider
          extended byorg.tritonus.share.sampled.convert.TSimpleFormatConversionProvider
Direct Known Subclasses:
GSMFormatConversionProvider, Mp3LameFormatConversionProvider, PCM2PCMConversionProvider, SampleRateConversionProvider, TEncodingFormatConversionProvider, TMatrixFormatConversionProvider

public abstract class TSimpleFormatConversionProvider
extends TFormatConversionProvider

This is a base class for FormatConversionProviders that can convert from each source encoding/format to each target encoding/format. If this is not the case, use TEncodingFormatConversionProvider or TMatrixFormatConversionProvider.

Overriding classes must provide a constructor that calls the protected constructor of this class and override AudioInputStream getAudioInputStream(AudioFormat targetFormat, AudioInputStream sourceStream). The latter method should be able to handle the case that all fields are NOT_SPECIFIED and provide appropriate default values.

Matthias Pfisterer

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.tritonus.share.sampled.convert.TFormatConversionProvider
Constructor Summary
protected TSimpleFormatConversionProvider(Collection sourceFormats, Collection targetFormats)
Method Summary
protected  void disable()
          Disables this FormatConversionProvider.
protected static boolean doMatch(float f1, float f2)
protected static boolean doMatch(int i1, int i2)
          Utility method to check whether these values match, taking into account AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED.
protected  Collection getCollectionSourceEncodings()
protected  Collection getCollectionSourceFormats()
protected  Collection getCollectionTargetEncodings()
protected  Collection getCollectionTargetFormats()
protected  int getFrameSize(AudioFormat.Encoding encoding, float sampleRate, int sampleSize, int channels, float frameRate, boolean bigEndian, int oldFrameSize)
          Calculates the frame size for the given format description.
 AudioFormat.Encoding[] getSourceEncodings()
 AudioFormat.Encoding[] getTargetEncodings()
 AudioFormat.Encoding[] getTargetEncodings(AudioFormat sourceFormat)
          This implementation assumes that the converter can convert from each of its source encodings to each of its target encodings.
 AudioFormat[] getTargetFormats(AudioFormat.Encoding targetEncoding, AudioFormat sourceFormat)
          This implementation assumes that the converter can convert from each of its source formats to each of its target formats.
protected  boolean isAllowedSourceEncoding(AudioFormat.Encoding sourceEncoding)
protected  boolean isAllowedSourceFormat(AudioFormat sourceFormat)
protected  boolean isAllowedTargetEncoding(AudioFormat.Encoding targetEncoding)
protected  boolean isAllowedTargetFormat(AudioFormat targetFormat)
 boolean isSourceEncodingSupported(AudioFormat.Encoding sourceEncoding)
 boolean isTargetEncodingSupported(AudioFormat.Encoding targetEncoding)
protected  AudioFormat replaceNotSpecified(AudioFormat sourceFormat, AudioFormat targetFormat)
          Utility method, replaces all occurences of AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED in targetFormat with the corresponding value in sourceFormat.
Methods inherited from class org.tritonus.share.sampled.convert.TFormatConversionProvider
getAudioInputStream, getMatchingFormat, isConversionSupported
Methods inherited from class javax.sound.sampled.spi.FormatConversionProvider
getAudioInputStream, isConversionSupported
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected TSimpleFormatConversionProvider(Collection sourceFormats,
                                          Collection targetFormats)
Method Detail


protected void disable()
Disables this FormatConversionProvider. This may be useful when e.g. native libraries are not present. TODO: enable method, better implementation


public AudioFormat.Encoding[] getSourceEncodings()
Specified by:
getSourceEncodings in class FormatConversionProvider


public AudioFormat.Encoding[] getTargetEncodings()
Specified by:
getTargetEncodings in class FormatConversionProvider


public boolean isSourceEncodingSupported(AudioFormat.Encoding sourceEncoding)
isSourceEncodingSupported in class FormatConversionProvider


public boolean isTargetEncodingSupported(AudioFormat.Encoding targetEncoding)
isTargetEncodingSupported in class FormatConversionProvider


public AudioFormat.Encoding[] getTargetEncodings(AudioFormat sourceFormat)
This implementation assumes that the converter can convert from each of its source encodings to each of its target encodings. If this is not the case, the converter has to override this method.

Specified by:
getTargetEncodings in class FormatConversionProvider


public AudioFormat[] getTargetFormats(AudioFormat.Encoding targetEncoding,
                                      AudioFormat sourceFormat)
This implementation assumes that the converter can convert from each of its source formats to each of its target formats. If this is not the case, the converter has to override this method.

Specified by:
getTargetFormats in class FormatConversionProvider


protected boolean isAllowedSourceEncoding(AudioFormat.Encoding sourceEncoding)


protected boolean isAllowedTargetEncoding(AudioFormat.Encoding targetEncoding)


protected boolean isAllowedSourceFormat(AudioFormat sourceFormat)


protected boolean isAllowedTargetFormat(AudioFormat targetFormat)


protected Collection getCollectionSourceEncodings()


protected Collection getCollectionTargetEncodings()


protected Collection getCollectionSourceFormats()


protected Collection getCollectionTargetFormats()


protected static boolean doMatch(int i1,
                                 int i2)
Utility method to check whether these values match, taking into account AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED.

true if any of the values is AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED or both values have the same value.


protected static boolean doMatch(float f1,
                                 float f2)
See Also:


protected AudioFormat replaceNotSpecified(AudioFormat sourceFormat,
                                          AudioFormat targetFormat)
Utility method, replaces all occurences of AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED in targetFormat with the corresponding value in sourceFormat. If targetFormat does not contain any fields with AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, it is returned unmodified. The endian-ness and encoding remain the same in all cases.

If any of the fields is AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED in both sourceFormat and targetFormat, it will remain not specified.

This method uses getFrameSize(...) (see below) to set the new frameSize, if a new AudioFormat instance is created.

This method isn't used in TSimpleFormatConversionProvider - it is solely there for inheriting classes.


protected int getFrameSize(AudioFormat.Encoding encoding,
                           float sampleRate,
                           int sampleSize,
                           int channels,
                           float frameRate,
                           boolean bigEndian,
                           int oldFrameSize)
Calculates the frame size for the given format description. The default implementation returns AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED if either sampleSize or channels is AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED, otherwise sampleSize*channels/8 is returned.

If this does not reflect the way to calculate the right frame size, inheriting classes should overwrite this method if they use replaceNotSpecified(...). It is not used elsewhere in this class.