Interface AlsaReceiver

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public interface AlsaReceiver
extends Receiver

A Receiver that is based on an ALSA client. This interface is used to facilitate subscriptions between Transmitters and Receivers. This subscription is used to transfer events directely inside the ALSA sequencer, instead of passing them by Java.

Method Summary
 boolean subscribeTo(int nClient, int nPort)
          Establish the subscription.
Methods inherited from interface javax.sound.midi.Receiver
close, send

Method Detail


boolean subscribeTo(int nClient,
                    int nPort)
Establish the subscription. Calling this method establishes a subscription between a AlsaTransmitters' ALSA client and port, which are passed as parameters here, and this Receiver's ALSA client and port. This method is typically called by an AlsaTransmitter that got an AlsaReceiver as its Receiver.

nClient - The ALSA client number of the Transmitter that a read subscription should established to.
nPort - The ALSA port number of the Transmitter that a read subscription should established to.
true, if the subscription was established, false otherwise.