Class CookedIoctl

  extended byorg.tritonus.lowlevel.cdda.cooked_ioctl.CookedIoctl

public class CookedIoctl
extends Object

Reading audio CDs using the 'cooked ioctl' interface.

Constructor Summary
CookedIoctl(String strDevice)
Method Summary
 void close()
          Closes the device.
 int readFrame(int nFrame, int nCount, byte[] abData)
          Reads one or more raw frames from the CD.
 int readTOC(int[] anValues, int[] anStartFrame, int[] anLength, int[] anType, boolean[] abCopy, boolean[] abPre, int[] anChannels)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CookedIoctl(String strDevice)
Method Detail


public void close()
Closes the device.


public int readTOC(int[] anValues,
                   int[] anStartFrame,
                   int[] anLength,
                   int[] anType,
                   boolean[] abCopy,
                   boolean[] abPre,
                   int[] anChannels)


public int readFrame(int nFrame,
                     int nCount,
                     byte[] abData)
Reads one or more raw frames from the CD. This call reads nCount frames starting at lba position nFrame. abData has to be big enough to hold the amount of data requested (2352 * nCount bytes).