Class FloatSampleTools

  extended byorg.tritonus.share.sampled.FloatSampleTools

public class FloatSampleTools
extends Object

Utility functions for handling data in normalized float arrays. Each sample is linear in the range of [-1.0f, +1.0f].

Currently, the following bit sizes are supported:

8-bit data can be unsigned or signed. All other data is only supported in signed encoding.

Florian Bomers
See Also:

Field Summary
(package private) static int CT_16SB
(package private) static int CT_16SL
(package private) static int CT_24SB
(package private) static int CT_24SL
(package private) static int CT_32SB
(package private) static int CT_32SL
(package private) static int CT_8S
(package private) static int CT_8U
          default number of bits to be dithered: 0.7f
(package private) static int F_16
(package private) static int F_24
(package private) static int F_32
(package private) static int F_8
(package private) static int F_BIGENDIAN
(package private) static int F_SAMPLE_WIDTH_MASK
(package private) static int F_SIGNED
Method Summary
static void byte2float(byte[] input, int inByteOffset, List output, int outOffset, int frameCount, AudioFormat format)
          Conversion function to convert an interleaved byte array to a List of interleaved float arrays.
(package private) static void byte2floatGeneric(byte[] input, int inByteOffset, int inByteStep, float[] output, int outOffset, int sampleCount, AudioFormat format)
          Generic conversion function to convert a byte array to a float array.
(package private) static void byte2floatGeneric(byte[] input, int inByteOffset, int inByteStep, float[] output, int outOffset, int sampleCount, int formatType)
          Central conversion function from a byte array to a normalized float array.
static void byte2floatInterleaved(byte[] input, int inByteOffset, float[] output, int outOffset, int frameCount, AudioFormat format)
          Conversion function to convert an interleaved byte array to an interleaved float array.
(package private) static void checkSupportedSampleSize(int ssib, int channels, int frameSize)
          only allow "packed" samples -- currently no support for 18, 20, 24_32 bits.
static void float2byte(List input, int inOffset, byte[] output, int outByteOffset, int frameCount, AudioFormat format, float ditherBits)
          Conversion function to convert a non-interleaved float audio data to an interleaved byte array.
(package private) static void float2byteGeneric(float[] input, int inOffset, byte[] output, int outByteOffset, int outByteStep, int sampleCount, AudioFormat format, float ditherBits)
          Generic conversion function to convert a float array to a byte array.
(package private) static void float2byteGeneric(float[] input, int inOffset, byte[] output, int outByteOffset, int outByteStep, int sampleCount, int formatType, float ditherBits)
          Central conversion function from normalized float array to a byte array.
static void float2byteInterleaved(float[] input, int inOffset, byte[] output, int outByteOffset, int frameCount, AudioFormat format, float ditherBits)
          Conversion function to convert an interleaved float array to an interleaved byte array.
(package private) static String formatType2Str(int formatType)
          Return a string representation of this format
(package private) static int getFormatType(AudioFormat format)
          Get the formatType code from the given format.
(package private) static int getFormatType(int ssib, boolean signed, boolean bigEndian)
(package private) static int getSampleSize(int formatType)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final float DEFAULT_DITHER_BITS
default number of bits to be dithered: 0.7f

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_8
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_16
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_24
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_32
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_SAMPLE_WIDTH_MASK
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_SIGNED
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_BIGENDIAN
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CT_8S
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CT_8U
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CT_16SB
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CT_16SL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CT_24SB
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CT_24SL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CT_32SB
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CT_32SL
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


static void checkSupportedSampleSize(int ssib,
                                     int channels,
                                     int frameSize)
only allow "packed" samples -- currently no support for 18, 20, 24_32 bits.



static int getFormatType(AudioFormat format)
Get the formatType code from the given format.



static int getFormatType(int ssib,
                         boolean signed,
                         boolean bigEndian)


static int getSampleSize(int formatType)


static String formatType2Str(int formatType)
Return a string representation of this format


public static void byte2float(byte[] input,
                              int inByteOffset,
                              List output,
                              int outOffset,
                              int frameCount,
                              AudioFormat format)
Conversion function to convert an interleaved byte array to a List of interleaved float arrays. The float arrays will contain normalized samples in the range [-1.0f, +1.0f]. The input array provides bytes in the format specified in format.

Only PCM formats are accepted. The method will convert all byte values from input[inByteOffset] to input[inByteOffset + (frameCount * format.getFrameSize()) - 1] to floats from output(n)[outOffset] to output(n)[outOffset + frameCount - 1]

input - the audio data in an byte array
inByteOffset - index in input where to start the conversion
output - list of float[] arrays which receive the converted audio data. if the list does not contain enough elements, or individual float arrays are not large enough, they are created.
outOffset - the start offset in output
frameCount - number of frames to be converted
format - the input format. Only packed PCM is allowed
IllegalArgumentException - if one of the parameters is out of bounds
See Also:


public static void byte2floatInterleaved(byte[] input,
                                         int inByteOffset,
                                         float[] output,
                                         int outOffset,
                                         int frameCount,
                                         AudioFormat format)
Conversion function to convert an interleaved byte array to an interleaved float array. The float array will contain normalized samples in the range [-1.0f, +1.0f]. The input array provides bytes in the format specified in format.

Only PCM formats are accepted. The method will convert all byte values from input[inByteOffset] to input[inByteOffset + (frameCount * format.getFrameSize()) - 1] to floats from output[outOffset] to output[outOffset + (frameCount * format.getChannels()) - 1]

input - the audio data in an byte array
inByteOffset - index in input where to start the conversion
output - the float array that receives the converted audio data
outOffset - the start offset in output
frameCount - number of frames to be converted
format - the input format. Only packed PCM is allowed
IllegalArgumentException - if one of the parameters is out of bounds
See Also:


static void byte2floatGeneric(byte[] input,
                              int inByteOffset,
                              int inByteStep,
                              float[] output,
                              int outOffset,
                              int sampleCount,
                              AudioFormat format)
Generic conversion function to convert a byte array to a float array.

Only PCM formats are accepted. The method will convert all bytes from input[inByteOffset] to input[inByteOffset + (sampleCount * (inByteStep - 1)] to samples from output[outOffset] to output[outOffset+sampleCount-1].

The format's channel count is ignored.

For mono data, set inByteOffset to format.getFrameSize().
For converting interleaved input data, multiply sampleCount by the number of channels and set inByteStep to format.getFrameSize() / format.getChannels().

sampleCount - number of samples to be written to output
inByteStep - how many bytes advance for each output sample in output.
IllegalArgumentException - if one of the parameters is out of bounds
See Also:
byte2floatInterleaved(byte[],int,float[],int,int,AudioFormat), byte2float(byte[],int,List,int,int,AudioFormat)


static void byte2floatGeneric(byte[] input,
                              int inByteOffset,
                              int inByteStep,
                              float[] output,
                              int outOffset,
                              int sampleCount,
                              int formatType)
Central conversion function from a byte array to a normalized float array. In order to accomodate interleaved and non-interleaved samples, this method takes inByteStep as parameter which can be used to flexibly convert the data.

mono->mono: inByteStep=format.getFrameSize()
interleaved_stereo->interleaved_stereo: inByteStep=format.getFrameSize()/2, sampleCount*2
stereo->2 mono arrays:
---inByteOffset=0, outOffset=0, inByteStep=format.getFrameSize()
---inByteOffset=format.getFrameSize()/2, outOffset=1, inByteStep=format.getFrameSize()


public static void float2byte(List input,
                              int inOffset,
                              byte[] output,
                              int outByteOffset,
                              int frameCount,
                              AudioFormat format,
                              float ditherBits)
Conversion function to convert a non-interleaved float audio data to an interleaved byte array. The float arrays contains normalized samples in the range [-1.0f, +1.0f]. The output array will receive bytes in the format specified in format. Exactly format.getChannels() channels are converted regardless of the number of elements in input. If input does not provide enough channels, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

Only PCM formats are accepted. The method will convert all samples from input(n)[inOffset] to input(n)[inOffset + frameCount - 1] to byte values from output[outByteOffset] to output[outByteOffset + (frameCount * format.getFrameSize()) - 1]

Dithering should be used when the output resolution is significantly lower than the original resolution. This includes if the original data was 16-bit and it is now converted to 8-bit, or if the data was generated in the float domain. No dithering need to be used if the original sample data was in e.g. 8-bit and the resulting output data has a higher resolution. If dithering is used, a sensitive value is DEFAULT_DITHER_BITS.

input - a List of float arrays with the input audio data
inOffset - index in the input arrays where to start the conversion
output - the byte array that receives the converted audio data
outByteOffset - the start offset in output
frameCount - number of frames to be converted.
format - the output format. Only packed PCM is allowed
ditherBits - if 0, do not dither. Otherwise the number of bits to be dithered
IllegalArgumentException - if one of the parameters is out of bounds
See Also:
DEFAULT_DITHER_BITS, float2byteInterleaved(float[],int,byte[],int,int,AudioFormat,float)


public static void float2byteInterleaved(float[] input,
                                         int inOffset,
                                         byte[] output,
                                         int outByteOffset,
                                         int frameCount,
                                         AudioFormat format,
                                         float ditherBits)
Conversion function to convert an interleaved float array to an interleaved byte array. The float array contains normalized samples in the range [-1.0f, +1.0f]. The output array will receive bytes in the format specified in format.

Only PCM formats are accepted. The method will convert all samples from input[inOffset] to input[inOffset + (frameCount * format.getChannels()) - 1] to byte values from output[outByteOffset] to output[outByteOffset + (frameCount * format.getFrameSize()) - 1]

Dithering should be used when the output resolution is significantly lower than the original resolution. This includes if the original data was 16-bit and it is now converted to 8-bit, or if the data was generated in the float domain. No dithering need to be used if the original sample data was in e.g. 8-bit and the resulting output data has a higher resolution. If dithering is used, a sensitive value is DEFAULT_DITHER_BITS.

input - the audio data in normalized samples
inOffset - index in input where to start the conversion
output - the byte array that receives the converted audio data
outByteOffset - the start offset in output
frameCount - number of frames to be converted.
format - the output format. Only packed PCM is allowed
ditherBits - if 0, do not dither. Otherwise the number of bits to be dithered
IllegalArgumentException - if one of the parameters is out of bounds
See Also:
DEFAULT_DITHER_BITS, float2byte(List,int,byte[],int,int,AudioFormat,float)


static void float2byteGeneric(float[] input,
                              int inOffset,
                              byte[] output,
                              int outByteOffset,
                              int outByteStep,
                              int sampleCount,
                              AudioFormat format,
                              float ditherBits)
Generic conversion function to convert a float array to a byte array.

Only PCM formats are accepted. The method will convert all samples from input[inOffset] to input[inOffset+sampleCount-1] to byte values from output[outByteOffset] to output[outByteOffset + (sampleCount * (outByteStep - 1)].

The format's channel count is ignored.

For mono data, set outByteOffset to format.getFrameSize().
For converting interleaved input data, multiply sampleCount by the number of channels and set outByteStep to format.getFrameSize() / format.getChannels().

sampleCount - number of samples in input to be converted.
outByteStep - how many bytes advance for each input sample in input.
IllegalArgumentException - if one of the parameters is out of bounds
See Also:
float2byteInterleaved(float[],int,byte[],int,int,AudioFormat,float), float2byte(List,int,byte[],int,int,AudioFormat,float)


static void float2byteGeneric(float[] input,
                              int inOffset,
                              byte[] output,
                              int outByteOffset,
                              int outByteStep,
                              int sampleCount,
                              int formatType,
                              float ditherBits)
Central conversion function from normalized float array to a byte array. In order to accomodate interleaved and non-interleaved samples, this method takes outByteStep as parameter which can be used to flexibly convert the data.

mono->mono: outByteStep=format.getFrameSize()
interleaved stereo->interleaved stereo: outByteStep=format.getFrameSize()/2, sampleCount*2
2 mono arrays->stereo:
---inOffset=0, outByteOffset=0, outByteStep=format.getFrameSize()
---inOffset=1, outByteOffset=format.getFrameSize()/2, outByteStep=format.getFrameSize()